Online Banking While it is critical to know how to protect your financial information online, it is safer and easier than ever to manage your bank accounts and make purchases, without ever having to leave home. Click on the "Online Banking" button for a video series and practice tutorial, geared toward older adults, that teaches the fundamentals of online banking.
You will learn: 1. The Benefits of Online Banking 2. Online Banking Safety and Security 3. How to Get Started with Online Banking 4. How to Stay on Top of Your Money 5. How to Manage Your Account Online.
This GCF LearnFree Tutorial also covers the basics of online banking, including: 1. What is online banking? 2. Advantages and disadvantages 3. How to protect yourself
Online shopping is not without risks, but it is a convenient way to find deals and purchase just about anything. There are also many ways to protect yourself and your financial information. Click on the Online Shopping button to learn strategies for safe, online shopping.
Whenever you use the internet, you leave a trail of data behind, based upon the websites you visit, the products you purchased, the interest groups with whom you engaged, etc. Many websites track this activity to help customize your online experience, tailoring information and advertisements to your interests. Tracking your online activity is known as "Browser Tracking," and while it doesn't pose a serious risk to your online security, it's important to understand how your online data is tracked and used. Click "Browser Tracking" to find out more.
While there are built-in safety measures to protect your financial information, cybercriminals and scammers often target seniors for online theft. Click "Financial Safety Tips" to learn five common financial scams targeting seniors and ways to protect yourself against these scams.